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September 18th

Topic: State of Senior Services in NYC


Donna Corrado, DFTA Comissoner

Margaret Chin, Chair of the Committee on Aging, NYC Council

Chris Widelo, AARP NY, Associate State Director


Breakfast Provided By:

Grand St. Settlement





New Grand St. Settlement at Essex's Crossing

175 Delancey St

New York 10002

October 30th



Topic: “This presentation is part of Reimagine End of Life, a week of exploring big questions about life and death.” 


Lucia Chen

Breakfast Provided By:

Mount Sinai Beth Israel Karpas Health


October 27 – November 03, 2018

Join the City of New York in a community-wide conversation. For more information:


Educational Alliance Manny Cantor Center 

197 East Broadway

New York 10002

November 27th



Topic: Parkinson's overview and discussion on resources/services available to patients


Fatima Niakate, B.S, LMSW

Program Coordinator / Social Worker

Jenna Iseringhausen, Nurse

Breakfast Provided By:

Right at Home of Lower Manhattan



The Marlene and Paolo Fresco Institute for Parkinson and Movement Disorder

A Parkinson’s Foundation Center of Excellence

Department of Neurology

NYU Langone Health

Link to presentation


Educational Alliance Manny Cantor Center 

197 East Broadway

New York 10002

December 18th




Topic: New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care - Mediation and Spirituality


Barbara Doshin Ende, MA has a thirty three career working in clinical services for the disabled and presently is a guardianship advocate for people with developmental disabilities. She has an MA in psychology and completed the MA in Pastoral Care and Counseling at New York Theological Seminary through the Zen Center.  

Breakfast Provided By:




Educational Alliance Manny Cantor Center 

197 East Broadway

New York 10002

January 29th




Topic: : Empowering Seniors


Terry Kaelber

Director, Community Engagement Projects

United Neighborhood Houses.

Terry directed NY's participation in a six-year national initiative to demonstrate the impact older people can have to drive change and strengthen communities.  In partnership with NYDFTA, Terry used the practice of self-directed project teams of older people who are empowered to launch community service projects that address local needs and meet community challenges

Breakfast Provided By: Co-Op Village NORC

Click here for article about the older brain and ways to get smarter


Educational Alliance Manny Cantor Center 

197 East Broadway

New York  10002

February 26th


Topic: End of Life Doula Volunteer. The Doula Program to Accompany and Comfort's mission is to minimize the isolation and loneliness experienced by individuals with life threatening illness who are facing the end of their lives alone. 


Amy Levine, LCSW 

Founding Member

Executive Director

Director of Education and Training 

Doula Program to Accompany and Comfort, Inc

Breakfast Provided By: Grand Street Settlement


Call 212-706-0398 ext. 1 or


New Grand St. Settlement at Essex's Crossing

Room 412

175 Delancey St

New York 10002

March 26th




Topic: Women’s History Month. - The state of older women living in urban area, health and finances.  Applauding their tenacity and wisdom over the years.  What can we do as providers to champion and advocate for them for better resources.  


Gale Brewer, Manhattan Borough President She was a member of the New York City Council, where she represented the Upper West Side and the northern part of Clinton in Manhattan. She was elected Manhattan Borough President on November 5, 2013.

Kayla Chan, WomanKind Manager, Later in Life Program 212-732-0054 ext. 132

Breakfast Provided By: LESIAC Board


WOMANKIND works with survivors of
gender-based violence to rise above trauma
and build a path to healing.  24/7 1-888-888-7702


New Grand St. Settlement at Essex's Crossing

Room 412

175 Delancey St

New York 10002

April 23th


Topic: State of ThiveNYC 

ThriveNYC is an unprecedented commitment by the City of New York to create a mental health system that works for everyone. 


Dr. Gary Belkin, MD Executive Deputy Commissioner, NYC Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene. Dr. Belkin is an experienced mental health visionary who worked to build the ThriveNYC program from the ground up in his current role as Executive Commissioner of the Department of Mental Health. Under his guidance, the Office of ThriveNYC will advance a "mental health in all policies" approach to governing, and will continue developing innovative ways to provide services that are missing from communities. 

Gagan Kaur, Director of Community Development ThriveNYC

Breakfast Provided By: Henry Street Settlement



New Grand St.

Settlement at Essex's Crossing

Room 412

175 Delancey St

New York 10002

May 21st

Time 3:00 pm

NOTE: Different time and location!


Topic: LGBT -  facts concerning LGBT older adults, including language, health disparities, caregiving and history, as well SAGE services and programs. 

Speaker:Tom Weber,Director of Care Management Services. Tom Weber is the Director of Care Management Services at SAGE, where he has worked for over 15 years in a variety of positions. Currently, he oversees case management, caregiving, friendly visiting, mental health, bereavement and special programs for veterans and people living with or at risk for HIV.    

Food Provided By: Mount Sinai After presentation stay for networking with snacks and drinks. 

SAGE we refuse to be invisible

Aging is better with SAGE Advocacy & Services for LGBT Elders. We’re a national advocacy and services organization that’s been looking out for LGBT elders since 1978. We build welcoming communities and keep our issues in the national conversation to ensure a fulfilling future for all LGBT people.

Different Location:

Mount Sinai-Union Square

10 Union Square East

2nd Floor Auditorium

June 25th




Topic: ROOF PARTY- join LESIAC at the new Grand St. Settlement at Essex's Crossing for our end of year rooftop party! Mix & mingle in the beautiful roof top outdoor space. 




Breakfast Provided By:




New Grand St. Settlement at Essex's Crossing

Room 412

175 Delancey St

New York 10002

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